Cute Playhouse for Girls

08/24/2011 01:51

There are a number of sites the have a whole range of playhouses to choose from. Big playhouses, little playhouses, treehouses and girls playhouses. There's plenty of options to choose from. But sometimes its hard to find just the right playhouse when having to sift through so many choices. I have a little girl and she has a particular preference as to what kind of playhouse she wants. She doesn't want something like her older brother has. He has a treeshouse in the tree in our backyard. It was built from scrap wood and nails. Some parts of it are secured with rope and wire. It's very rugged looking. Perfect for a boy and exactly what my son was looking for. He loves his treehouse.


But my daughter, well—she's a girl! And having a playhouse like her brother isn't too appealing. Her and I sat down at the computer and did some searching to find a particular playhouse that she'd be interested in having. I showed her a number of pictures of different styles of playhouses and it wasn't long before I began to see just what kind of playhouse she was keen on.


I made a list of all the playhouses we found that she liked and I thought that since we had already done the research I'd thought I'd share it with anyone else who may be looking for the same kind of playhouses. We found a number of playhouses at Toys-R-Us, but her favorite playhouses for girls we ended up finding on another site. Here are some photos girls playhouses that we considered: